April 29, 2009

The Irony in Service

So moving to Singapore will bring more than one hard times. Mostly it will be leaving people that will be the hardest. but if there is one thing that I will miss the most, though impossible to choose, it will be Brazos Pointe Fellowship. Now I don't want to sound like an adult or anything but I am writing this post to point a little irony.

We started attending BPF right when we moved here and right as the church was starting. I grew up in All Stars (the children's ministry area) watching a few of the older guys and girls teaching us about God. My path with God started in those days, and it was not a mistake.

I hit the 7th grade and went into the Student Ministry. In these times God started really working with me. He put a desire in my heart to learn guitar, and also the desire to love on little kids. This is where I started to get active in serving in places like the children's ministry play area for the toddlers, All Stars, and eventually joined the student band. And the ironic part in all this is that these are the areas I will miss the most. It is the places I chose to serve in. How funny that is that God lead me in that direction and helped me become active in the church and for some awesome reason the place you would think I would be glad to leave is actually the place I will miss. I love playing guitar with the whole student band. They are amazing and they are a part of what I will miss most. All Stars. I loved working in there because of the kids. Not just the kids sitting and watching but the kids from 1st grade all the way to 12th grade who served with me. The atmosphere every week was a sense of comfort and happiness in the fact that we could just relax and worship God and hopefully spread that all to the kids.

I just really came to this realization today, how powerful serving is. I have never been so happy to do something for the Kingdom of God so willingly, but now I am also starting to come to the realization that we really don't know what we have till it is gone. This week is my last time to play with the student band at 6:33 and May 10th is my last time to work in All Stars. I just hope and pray that these last times I go through serving at BPF will be totally amazing and that I will connect with the full emotion and the extent of how amazing doing this for God is. I know for a fact that serving does not stop here though.

1 comment:

praynlady said...

Jakeb, you R A W K!!!!

I have never been more proud of you than this very moment. You are a man, and a man of God! Your heart and head are in sinc and on fire for God and it shows. I think God has shown you your strong areas, so that when you are in Singapore, you will be able to share it there with children who need it so much more!

I love you so very much Jake,
Your goofy At. Ollie