March 15, 2008

Festivities and Spring Break

Friday before Spring Break is always a good one… but mine totally blows away everybody else’s. One… I finally got our to run. For some reason I didn’t get out to run all week and it was frustrating me. When I got up in the mornings, I couldn’t find a good reason to run so I figured sleep was more important. I found that I was wrong all week because you don’t feel good before the run but afterwards there is a sense of accomplishment.

Next off I had my birthday party with all my friends who came over for a whole bunch of basketball and airsoft. I gave them the choice of playing airsoft at a park near my house or walking over to Slade Field to play Ultimate Frisbee. Well it’s pretty obvious what they chose.

After my party ended I went to a lock-in small group party at the Monical’s new massive house. It was great fun. We swam in their pool and watched the Houston Rockets win 21 consecutive games all at the same time on their plasma screen TV on the porch. We listened to country music for a while on the overhead speakers but I eventually changed this in my hatred of country music. I was eventually shunned for this and was forced into listening to 80’s Guns and Roses, which was an okay compromise. Guitar Hero was also a popular game at this party and then we played pool a lot too.

Overall an amazing Friday but the rest of Spring Break won’t get any worse. I am set to run 10 miles tomorrow on my week high of 4 miles. That was a joke. Then I am going to the deer lease with my grandpa and cousin to hunt some serious turkey. Once I get back me and Phillip Hintze will be heading to Guitar Center to hopefully buy a nice new electric. If my procrastination problem dies down somehow over Spring Break, then maybe a drivers permit will fall into my hands. Haha I crack myself up.

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