October 13, 2008

Presidents and a Hint of Football

Has anyone been paying attention to the presidential election campaign stuff? If you’re over 18, I would hope the answer is yes. But all I have to say is it stinks for yall so-called adults because if I were an adult, I would be a dangerous voter. I know nothing of the existing politics these days. Nothing on the war in Iraq. Nothing on the 7 billion dollar market thing. Feel free to correct me on what in the world this thing is called but all I know is that people lost a lot of money. I know nothing on what Barack Obama’s views are. Same with John McCain. The only thing I got out of any of this presidential campaign is the hilarious SNL videos with the actors making fun of debates. So to conclude this pointless post to inform you that I am a better person for not voting because of my under-age, I will encourage those who vote to hang in there because I am glad I’m not you. Besides God will take care of the whole thing. Vote-on.

Oh and to further conclude this post, I also have to say that if you are an Oklahoma University fan, consider this sentence as a rubbing-our-awesome-win-in-your-face type of sentence.